about the cover: rise

As Chloe and I worked on the concept for the first issue of Raconteur and the idea of original cover art arose, it was with simultaneous exclamation we thought of Alan Rasmussen. Alan is a Salt Lake City based painter, specializing in oil on canvas with an astounding eye and ability to capture the emotion of the moment in his work. 

I have had the pleasure of sharing the chukar hills on several occasions with Alan and can say without hesitation, he is one of the good ones. He took the idea of The Rise and sent a covey of chukar rising to the horizon. Tucked amongst the rocks of this painting is my beloved, and much missed, first birddog. This level of thoughtful detail is a hallmark of Alan's work. 

Prints as well as the original of Raconteur's first cover art are available in our store and I encourage you to visit alanrasmussenartwork.com and see his other offerings. 

Katie Willis

Katie Willis has been sitting at the feet of storytellers for as long as she has drawn breath and has been a writer almost as long. She has a rambling nature which leads her across the landscape, seeking soul stretching experiences, the fuel for her poetry and prose. She is the executive editor of Raconteur.


editor’s note: Rise


Editor’s Note: Commune