Poetry anthology 1

Saturday Waltz

The melody from town

Reached me on the mountain

Laundry hanging on a tree

Promised I would ignore the notes

Shook my head as I went for a swim

The water was deep and blue

Sun warmed my cold tender heart

A shiver struck me raw

As I watched clouds dance above

Mesmerized by the tempo and flow

Coffee on the fire warmed my heart more 

Oh no... Felt my feet start tapping 

Saturday Waltz calling me

God give me strength to 

Call on a pretty girl

The one you know is in my heart

Truck driving down the dirt road 

Dang hit a rock

Tire flat nerves grow 

Now I will be late

I promised my heart

No more ones who won't

Go skinny dipping in moonlight

Or dance with just a laugh as a tune

Saturday Waltz almost done

God must not be working tonight

My courage drown in whiskey

Maybe this heart is too old

Last round and last song called

Front door creaks open 

Someone must be lost

No one from around here

She was on the way to Missoula 

Felt the call to stop at this Livingston 

Knew no one at all

Her thirst was for a strong whisky

Saturday Waltz turned in Tuesday

Before we knew she said I do

Swimming in the deep mountain water

Dancing every night to laughter

Ghost in a campfire

The creation of the campfire

Fun little puzzle to find what burns

The need for that fast trigger

Something than can get hit

Ignite and set the rest ablaze

The need is the start small

It can be an art to look at the log

Break it down to smaller kindle

One may just gum the wood apart

One can see the hidden seam

A careful hatchet like a surgeon

New cracks to break this problem wide open 

The kindling is reconfigured from the whole

Parts are stacks to reveal a chimney

A way for the old to transform

Solid to flame to ignite the human bond

Do you believe in a secret sauce

There is a jar of bits of shavings

Parts that did not serve

Parts soaked in our past pain

Parts embracing to set you free

With a click the fire is lit

Time sits to watch in sync 

Music shifts with shadows on the lawn

Without knowing sun says goodbye

The campfire changes into a siren's call

The night covers with a star quilt

A universal truth exposed

Away from bustle of busy lights

The peace of stillness 

The canvas of truth above

A ladle of life being poured over you

CRACK an ember flies

Reminder life can burn if ignored

SNAP is a noise the rings down deep

A whisper says trust, share what is you

Stories and experience danced the night

A symphony of life as charted in the stars

The dipper above asking for more

In a trance of comparanoia

The empty seat of life is viewed

What have I missed

Where could I have explored

Ghosts of what-if wanted to scare 

A tactic of the past trying to change the fire

As with life the POP of campfire knew


Never has the What-if Ghost ever won

Dance in the fire is not a long side it

Ghosts can sit at the fire

Participation is determination of your strength

Truly Only Love as the firemaster can say

More wood, more flames, more presence

The beauty of friendship woven in flames

As the night grows larger

The star quilt heavier with dots

The conversation of friends filled

 Love smokes into life

A campfire marked a moment on the soul

Ghosts can scare but never control

At this moment I am living and I am alive. 

Life is fire. Your love is the fuel.

Unconditional apple crisp love

Cold wind came down the valley

The stiffness of the air harden me

All my worries came to bloom

This land was tough

Yet my desire to be impenetrable

The land always provided

Bounty of the fall harvest devoured

A trail in snow

Map of his past hidden in a cabin

place where pains and trauma

the marks of mistakes never seem forgotten

The open land

Freedom to roam

A memory of a night 

Big as the summer dipper in the sky

there were lessons that summer passed on

cooking with love has no measurements

every apple has a chance

every apple is beautiful to the core

every apple has a seed

to plant and be forever more

wash the dirt off

wash the past away

this is going to hurt

we need to pull the old way

tender and gentle 

not all are the same

curvey, bumpy, rough

it is a story to unwind

the love is in the seeing

the trust is in the knowing

A bruise, a spot, a little rot

i am not afraid

i see the magic 

a little of you will do to my heart

Naked with all the world

a sharp knife cuts you wide open

not one, but twice but many more

the heart of the apple is exposed

the best part is how to cut it up

big or little 

long or short

each bit has a part to play

the tartness of life is not enough

extra lemon is for the punch

cinnamon is the tonic for long loving

mixed by hand, tender a bit of mess

Like a quilt of love

brown sugar and oats cover it all

this apple crisp is a dance of love

served in a bowl

shared in the red sunset

no words spoken

topped with a soft smile

In the cold bitter of the night

The knowing each of us 

Has the best inside

Imperfections do not hinder

Character is given

Apple crisp is unconditional love 


Illustrations by Breezy Cutler

Jenn Walter

Jenn Walter is a lifelong explorer who strives to find the beauty in life. She is a former archaeologist and current geospatial analyst who embraces the magic of maps. In her heart, she is a writer. She splits her time between Montana and Minnesota, finding more inspiration in the West.


Grouse Camp


The Outdoorsman’s Inheritance